Fiske Elementary School PTO Reference Materials for Committee Co-Chairs


Thank you for volunteering as co-chair for a Fiske Committee. The work you do is incredibly value to help the PTO enhance the Fiske curriculum, engage families with the school, and create lasting Fiske memories for our children. The following guide includes an overview of PTO information to help you start planning your event. Please feel free to provide feedback or contact us with any questions, ideas, or concerns you may have throughout the year.


Job Description


Committee co-chairs plan and organize Fiske PTO events and activities. They may also function as liaisons to other organizations.


The event schedule is posted on the Fiske PTO website. Each year the event schedule is decided with the help of the school administration and PTO Board to ensure no conflicts. Depending on the type of event, co-chairs may decide to start their planning a month or more in advance.



The Fiske PTO uses the online tool Volunteer Spot to request and organize volunteers for various large events. The PTO co-vice presidents will assist in setting up the signup for the event. Send an email to Fiske PTO with the following information at least one month in advance.

  • Number of volunteers needed
  • Number and duration of time slots for volunteers
  • Number of volunteers per time slot
  • Any other required information to be collected from volunteers
  • Cross section of Fiske community to be requested, if not the entire PTO

Room parents may only be approached by the Fiske PTO to recruit more volunteers if needed.

*Please request volunteers to complete a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) Form in the Main Office. It usually takes 2-3 business days after submission of form.



The co-chairs will be informed about their budget every year. Event budgets are decided with the help of previous year’s co-chairs and PTO Board, and approved by vote by the PTO membership. Input is requested from all co-chairs for the next year. Please keep your receipts and complete the PTO Expense Reimbursement Request form on the website ( Please submit all receipts including any you do not wish to receive reimbursement, so that the treasurers can determine accurate event costs.


The PTO is required by law to maintain documentation and receipts for all disbursements, and failure to do so would put our PTO as an organization at risk. In keeping with our fiduciary responsibilities, we ask that you keep all receipts and submit them to the Treasurers as soon as possible after the event.


Funds Collected

Fundraising funds collected in advance of an event must be paid for by check or Fiske PTO paypal so that the Treasurers have an accurate paper trail of funding. At an event, attendees may pay by check, cash and sometimes credit card. Please contact the Treasurers, at to make arrangements for an event cash box.

Advance ticket sales should be done a week before the actual event date.

In order to set up PayPal capability for your event, please email the following information to in advance of the event.

  • Items to be sold
  • Prices
  • Delivery options


Use of School Premises and Staff Time

The Main Office assists in scheduling use of school premises and custodian time. Please fill out a School Facilities Usage Form and submit to the Fiske Main office to reserve the space.

Contact teachers and other staff if their time is needed to work out schedules and availability. Lextended Day needs to be informed if school premises used by them are required for an event.


Collaboration Across Schools and With Previous Chairs

We would like to foster collaboration across schools in the Lexington Public School system. The schools have cooperated in putting together a list of all committee chairs and school PTO/PTA boards. We will provide you with an electronic copy of this information. This information is to be used for PTO purposes only. Please do reach out to your counterparts and exchange ideas and best practices.


Last year’s committee chairs are a good resource to learn from as you start your planning. The Fiske PTO website has both year’s lists posted to help you connect with them.


Communication with Fiske Families and the Fiske Community

The Fiske PTO Marketing and Communications team is available to help you promote your event across many platforms to reach the entire Fiske Community. Please complete an Event Data Form with all the details about your event. The Marketing and Communications team will then help you design and edit your information, and oversee the promotion of the event through:

  • Weekly Fiske PTO newsletters leading up to the event
  • Fiske PTO website
  • Fiske PTO Facebook page
  • A School wide flyer sent home to families
  • Flyer posted on the Fiske PTO bulletin board in the main hallway at school
  • An email blast the day before or day of Fiske community and fundraiser events
  • As appropriate, through posted exterior banners • As appropriate, through room parents

Communication with Fiske PTO

We would like to hear from you!


During the planning process, we request you to meet with the co-vice presidents of events to understand the progress, highlight any issues, and brainstorm solutions for the same. The Fiske PTO Board is a resource that you should not hesitate to reach out to.


At the completion of the event we would like to learn about what worked and what can be improved for the coming year.


Document Repository

Each event creates a number of pieces of communication in the form of emails, flyers and posters. This content is reusable for the next year. At the completion of the event please send Fiske PTO at an email containing all electronic copies to be stored for the coming year. In addition, Committee Chairs are encouraged to forward any information that would be helpful to the following year's Committee Chair (i.e. contact list of businesses providing donations or discounts for an event or a post-event list of suggested improvements for next year).


Recruiting for Next Year

We encourage chairs to volunteer for events for multi-year terms and to train an assistant co-chair to take on the responsibility in the near future. There are many opportunities to contribute and build a stronger community and many parents who are very willing to give their time and efforts.


Action Steps

  1. Meet with PTO Board to co-vice presidents of events before you start planning and then to update during the planning process.
  2. Recruit volunteers and request current CORIs to be on file with the front office from volunteers.
  3. Complete an Event Date Form and email it to the co-vice president of marketing and communications to promote your event
  4. Keep receipts and work with treasurers to get expenses paid and revenues collected.
  5. Give feedback and lessons learnt to the PTO co-vice presidents of events.


Thank you for your volunteer commitment to the Fiske PTO!